Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Excuses Used in Police Pull Overs

“Well gosh officer, I didn’t see the speed limit sign!” – the most common excuse police hear when pulling drivers over, according to an article from about a survey done by The comparison pooled licensed drivers 18 an older. More than a fifth of the drivers polled said when they gave an excuse to the officer that pulled them over they said they couldn’t see the sign that told them not to do something.
There were 10 other popular answers given among drivers polled. They are listed with their percentages below:

1.       I couldn’t see the sign telling me not to do it :20.4%
2.       I’m lost and unfamiliar with the roads: 15.6%
3.       I didn’t know it was broken: 12.4%
4.       Everyone else was doing it: 6.4%
5.       I’m having in emergency situation in my car (for instance spilled a hot drink on your lap): 5.4%
6.       I missed my turn/exit: 4.8%
7.       I had to go to the bathroom: 5.6%
8.       I didn’t do anything dangerous: 4.2%
9.       I was on my way to an emergency (for example, to help someone who was ill or injured): 4.0%
10.   My GPS said it was the right thing to do: 2.2%
11.   I’m just helping out; I wasn’t even supposed to be driving (for example, your friend is intoxicated): 2.0%

To read the full article from, click the link :

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What to Keep in Your Glove Box

If you’re like most people your glove box is probably full of clutter – every manual that came with your car, receipts, key chains, cosmetics, cds, and maybe some gloves. But are all those things really necessary? Don’t let yourself be a glove box litterbug!

There are a number of items you’ll want to have in your car that are easily accessible in case you would get into a jam, like a first aid kit, a flash light, and a tire pressure gauge.  This article ( will give you the complete list of necessary items you should keep in your glove box. That way you can get rid of everything else and keep your car clutter free!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Stick vs. Automatic: An Infographic

Most of us probably don’t think twice about the kind of car we drive: we either drive a stick shift or an automatic, we get from point A to point B, and we got about our day.

Would you have ever guessed, then, that statistics can estimate other characteristics of yours depending on whether you drive a stick or automatic? For example:

     Manual drivers are more likely to prefer grapes, raspberries and bananas while automatic drivers are prone to strawberry, cherry and pineapple
     Manual drivers prefer Richard Pryor while automatic drivers like Tina Fey and Ricky Gervais
     Manual drivers like “The Newshour with Jim Lehrer", “Face the Nation” and “NBC Nightly News” while automatic drivers like “Anderson Cooper 360”, “Today” and “The Situation Room”

These quirky facts and many, many more can be found here, in infographic form!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The History of the Garage: An Infographic

Car garages. We don’t really think about them, do we? Garages are one of the things we take for granted; they protect our cars from the elements, are great storage centers - and are everywhere. No, really: the U.S. alone has 82 million homes with a garage; that’s enough to store every car made in the world last year.

Don’t forget: in the beginning, drivers didn’t have actual, personal garages; they used converted carriage houses that once held horses. Nowadays, the garage is so common we don’t even think twice about it.

Check out Autoblog’s full-length infographic to see even more cool facts about these underappreciated buildings!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

“But officer...”

“But officer...”

The two most universal feelings among drivers are the annoyance and dread we feel when a police officer pulls us over. When we’re stopped it’s common to want to try to make an excuse and not get that ticket the officer’s ready to issue. No one wants to pay a fine or deal with the points that may be slapped onto their record.

Sometimes our excuses may be valid, but most of the time the police could probably say them in sync with us. Can you guess which excuses are most commonly heard (and not accepted) by officers of the law? Write a couple ideas down, then click here to find the answers and see which ones you got right!

And then remember: drive safely. We’d prefer that you not be pulled over in the first place!
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