Friday, April 24, 2015

Go Green & Save Green With These Gas-Saving Tips

Gas prices may have been dropping for the past few months, but saving gas is something that can help both the environment and your wallet. After all, even $2 a gallon is still hard-earned money going into your car. And when you can take simple actions to reduce the amount of gas you use, why wouldn’t you? Try these simple tips to cut back on the amount of fuel you’re using:

Keep an eye on your car
Your fuel emissions, fuel economy, and emissions system can all clue you in that something’s going wrong with your fuel usage long before you might notice it yourself. Keeping a watchful eye on your car’s gas consumption can help you identify and diagnose problems earlier on, helping you save money. It also helps you protect your investment - when you catch problems earlier, you  may be more able to take action to fix them.

Pay attention to your oil
Many of us are guilty of not getting oil changes as often as manufacturers suggest, but this can wind up costing you. When you change your oil and replace the oil filter, you help your car run more efficiently, helping you to save on gas. If you’re not sure how often to change your oil, check out your owner’s manual for guidelines.

Go for a tune up
When your car is in good shape, it’s also more likely to function well, helping extend your fuel. A clean, well-maintained car is a pleasure to drive, too! Visit your local service department or mechanic to get regular tune ups to ensure that your car is running as well as it can be.

Inflate your tires
Of course, there’s one super simple thing you can do that will help you get better fuel economy in your car. When you inflate your tires to the manufacturer-recommended pressure standard, you’ll ensure that your car is running as intended. Some cars may lose up to a pound of pressure per month! That can put a lot of strain on your car’s fuel economy over time.

Your car is an investment you enjoy driving - so keep driving it longer by taking care of it! You’ll not only help your car, but the environment (and your wallet), too!


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